So it's my first time blogging and I'm a little freaked out that I'll be waddling through this like it's my first day at culinary school. The school gives you a bunch of fancy knives and other gadgets to put in a bag which you must carry to class everyday. You start by identifying and seeking out what goodies come in your chef kit. I guess it similar to setting this blog site up too.
I have no choice now but to move forward and share some moments with all to enjoy. So onward with recipes, pictures and maybe even a video or two on YOU TUBE. I'll try to be as interesting as possible for others to join in on the fun. I'd love to hear from those who have either taken my classes or just want to say hello.
Bottom line is I really love my job as a chef teaching adults and kids how to cook, possibly hold a chef knife properly and let everyone in on the passion and joys of cooking a meal. You only make it as hard as you think it could's really not. You just have to taste your way through the dishes. And who wouldn't want to do that. I know I have a lot of friends who are in line to taste test some dishes.
So here's to a great start. As I have said before..."Let's Cook, Eat and Live better."